Outpouring of Aprons

This Christmas I made aprons for all the ladies in the family (including the littlest one.) One of the ladies’ husbands (not pictured) remarked, “To give my wife an apron is like giving a blind man a telescope!” I take it she doesn’t cook much. 

Each apron has a bar towel on the front so you can wipe your hands as you go. I ended up sewing twenty-two. It is kind-of habit forming, once you get started. 

One of my granddaughters said I should sell them on Etsy. I told her, “You do it. I’ll watch.”

I’ll have to choose something different to make for Christmas next year. Right now, I think I’ll sit and dream on it a while. We ended up with forty for Christmas dinner. All but one granddaughter and grandson-in-law were with us. What a blessing!


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