Juliet Kincaid

Author of stories that provide escape, adventure, humor and romance.

Juliet Kincaid has been passionate about fiction, especially the novel, ever since she can remember. She loves the escape, entertainment and insights into the human condition that a good novel provides. She firmly believes in happy endings and the power of laughter to heal whatever ails us, or at least ease its pain.

Since she started keeping track at age fourteen, she has read over three thousand novels. She has written fifteen, and published six so far as an indie author, four in her Calendar Mystery historical fiction series and two in her Cinderella, P. I. fairy tale retellings series. She also has written many short stories.

Her publications include two novels and three story collections in the Cinderella, P. I. series, four novels and a collection of fiction and nonfiction in the Calendar Mystery series, and Novel Basics, a compact yet complete guide to writing a novel.

January Jinx, Book 1 of the Calendar Mysteries: www.amazon.com/dp/B00HSSSBE4. (Also available as a trade paperback.)

Cinderella, P. I. and Other Fairy Tale Mystery Stories: www.amazon.com/dp/B00GMMUSTI. (Also available as a trade paperback in an easy-on-the-eyes larger print edition and an audiobook with the delight voice characterizations by Alyx Morgan from Audible.)

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Books by Juliet Kincaid