After years of being disappointed by lilac bushes that produce great, healthy-looking foliage but no flowers, it appears I finally have a variety that blooms every year — at least two in a row. 🙂 I have no idea whether it’s the type of lilac, the quality or the placement or if it’s just a happy plant, but I’m excited to see several flowers blooming this year. I’ve long envied other yards their fragrant, full shrubs. Fingers crossed that this one will live and be fruitful for a very long time! Do you have any gardening/plant challenges in your yard?

I can’t seem to get trees to grow in my yard. We’ve been in the house for almost four years. We are on the third tree in two places, and both of these trees seem to be failing this spring. If they don’t leave out by May 1, I’m ready to give up on these spots.