You Can Go On An Adventure, Or Have An Adventure Come To You Every Day! Meet Brooke Wiens, Teacher Of English To Speakers Of Other Languages.
A TESOL career rewards its teachers with fulfillment and joy. It takes a special person to do this work:
- Someone who enjoys challenges.
- Someone who cares deeply for kids, especially kids placed into a completely new environment.
- Someone who understands how difficult moving from another country is.
Brooke Wiens excels at her job at Crestview Elementary. Enjoy her bubbly personality and honest look at what she does every day in our video interview. Don’t miss it! Older kids may want to watch too, as it’s an important and growing field.

I love my job!
Brooke feels strongly about greeting her students in their own language. In her school alone, there are twenty-three different languages represented. Quite diverse and beautiful!
Bonding with each of her students and seeing that “lightbulb” moment when learning buds is especially rewarding.
Her classroom is full of books with pictures and stories from all over the world. Sometimes, a child with little or no English will look over the books and find just the one they relate with and look at it every day.
TESOL Families
Helping the families adjust to school in the US, especially during home visits, is one of the biggest joys she has in this position. Have you thought about how different school is in other places? Can you imagine moving to another country, possibly because of war, where you don’t understand the language, customs, or possibly even the climate? My mind reals at the thought.

Inspiring a life of writing

Character Education Through Story — Planting Seeds for Tomorrow’s Leaders