Laura Ingalls is Ruining My Life

This was a cute read. I picked it up because the title intrigued me, and Laura Ingalls Wilder books were my favorite childhood books and hold a special place in my heart. The book is a Young Adult and is about a single mother of three who believes Laura Ingalls is her writing muse. I enjoyed it!

— Book Description: Charlotte’s mom has just moved the family across the country to live in Walnut Grove, “childhood home of pioneer author Laura Ingalls Wilder.” Mom’s idea is that the spirit of Laura Ingalls will help her write a bestselling book. But Charlotte knows better: Walnut Grove is just another town where Mom can avoid responsibility. And this place is worse than everywhere else the family has lived―it’s freezing in the winter, it’s small with nothing to do, and the people talk about Laura Ingalls all the time. Charlotte’s convinced her family will not be able to make a life on the prairie―until the spirit of Laura Ingalls starts getting to her, too.– Author Shelley Tougas


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