Category – ‘Tis the Season

‘Tis the Season

Fall and Winter Trail Walks

There are advantages of hiking trails in late fall and winter as opposed to summer. First, of course, there’s the lack of sweat-producing heat…no cooling scarf or ice water required. Then, there’s the enhanced view. Fewer leaves let us see the creek or the hillsides from many places where the views are hidden by summer foliage. To top it off, the earthy smells and satisfying crunch of fallen leaves give one a unique seasonal experience. On the ridge overlooking the Missouri River at Weston State Park

Missing Daylight Saving Timing

These short, dark days are bad for my productivity. All I want to do is curl up with a book in front of the fireplace. I’m all for making Daylight Saving Time the standard. What do you think?

Fall is in the air and on the pages – The Story Between Us

Stretching, Kristen stepped out of the car and glanced around. The house looked exactly as she’d left it–except for the bright yellow leaves shimmering like sequins on the aspen in the front yard. She couldn’t help but smile. All around her, colorful fall had burst into full swing.